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Ear Care Nepal

Hearing impairment is a serious problem in Nepal, 16.6% of the total population suffers from hearing loss which is one of the highest in Asia.  Sadly 55.5% of the hearing loss in children in Nepal is due to avoidable causes like ear infection. Treating these children in need gives immense satisfaction of good deeds that fit well with the aim of Ear Care Nepal (ECN), established in 2013 by a group of ear surgeons and intellectuals. 

Our Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is “Prevention of Deafness and Promotion & Conservation of Hearing in Nepal in underprivileged children of Nepal.” With an ultimate goal of preventing deafness and conservation of hearing at the national level, its immediate goals are:

  • To conduct “School Based Ear Health Programs” in Government/Community schools and Monastic schools of Nepal.
  • To screen children for ear diseases and hearing loss
  • Deliver primary ear care education to children, teachers and guardians
  • To provide medical and surgical management for restoration of hearing and prevent further hearing loss.


There is a popular saying that team work is the fuel that allows common people to achieve uncommon result. So far, ECN team has reached out to 15 districts of Nepal and has provided its service to 688 government schools which includes 77 Buddhist Monastic schools. Till date 1,42,713 children have been screened and treated for ear diseases and hearing loss and 1065 ear surgeries have been performed to the needy children. 5.56% children were detected with hearing loss and the most common cause of hearing loss is found to be due to ear infection.